Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The First 30th

The Story: So, up to this point we have been doing Bachelor Parties and Wedding Posters. But then came Danielle's 30th Birthday Party. Danielle is one of my wife's best friends and one of her 7 College Roomates. Yes, 7 others. So a total of 8 girls lived together in West Philly for about 3 years. Those girls, "The Crazy 8", still stay in touch, and threw a great party for Danielle. They also commissioned me to make her shine in her own PEOPLE magazine! FYI - This poster was lost in parking garage in Manhattan. Completely done and in a 30x20 frame. Someone took it...we can only assume that someone has Daniel hanging in their living room, or serving as the roof of their cardboard box.

The Poster: Cover Shot Of Danielle looking cute. A bunch of People type photos and tabloid style headlines, along with a group shot of all the girls who used to be roomates at PENN. I actually got in trouble for printing it with PEOPLE on it...I guess I have to make up a fake name next time.

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