The Story: Col and T are getting Married March 31st. Col is my sister-in-law, and she is a tough cookie! T is my soon to be brother-in-law who is a huge fan of men's league sports...football, baseball, wiffle ball, whatever. So they were having bachelor parties on the same weekend and we needed to come up with some posters to send them into marriage with some comic relief.
The Poster (T): Any athlete worth his salt will recognize the old Bo Jackson "multi-sport" athlete poster that I used as a baseline for this poster. T poses on the cover of a Sports IllustrATOR magazine, with the headline being about his deteriorating career. Below his spiral downward is depicted in a slew of photo's even including a cameo by Charlie Sheen! Along the left bottom is the tribute to the groomsmen. Lined up on their own baseball cards, they fill the ranks of those other superstars who have ruined their careers along the way!
The Poster (Col): Col is a tough girl for sure, and based on the fact that the bachelor weekend was St. Patrick's weekend, and the fact that she is Irish and hard as nails, Chris felt like something along the lines of Irish Mafia was the best way to go. So, The O'Reilly Clan was born. On an Irish Flag Background I changed Col's dress from Black to Irish Flag Colors and then plastered the open space with newspaper and magazine headlines paying tribute to the activities of the Irish All-Girl Mafia started by Maryellen (Col's Mom) and now led in its illegal activities by Col herself. All of the bridesmaids make it into the magazine and newspaper headline photos.